Vacuum sealers and chamber sealers are both devices that can be used to preserve food. Both work by removing air from around the food, which prevents bacteria from growing and causing spoilage. However, there are some key differences between these two types of sealers.
Vacuum sealers work by attaching a bag to the machine and then using a pump to remove the air from inside the bag. Chamber sealers, on the other hand, have a chamber that is filled with air and then evacuated using a vacuum pump. This creates a vacuum around the food, which is what seals it.
One advantage of chamber sealers is that they can be used to vacuum seal larger items, such as whole chickens or turkeys. Vacuum sealers are better suited for smaller items, such as individual portions of food.
Another difference between vacuum sealers and chamber sealers is the way they work with liquids. Liquids can cause problems for vacuum sealers because they can be drawn into the pump and damage it. Chamber sealers, on the other hand, don’t have this problem because the chamber itself is sealed before the vacuum pump is turned on. This means that liquids can be safely sealed in a chamber sealer without any risk of damage.
Finally, chamber sealers tend to be more expensive than vacuum sealers. This is because they are more complex devices and require more parts. However, they may also be able to handle larger volumes of food, so they may be worth the investment if you do a lot of canning or preserving.
Are chamber vacuum sealers worth it?
Chamber vacuum sealers are more expensive than vacuum sealers, but they offer some advantages. They can be used to vacuum seal larger items and liquids, making them a good choice for people who do a lot of preserving. If you’re considering a chamber vacuum sealer, make sure to evaluate your needs to see if it’s the right choice for you.
Using regular vacuum seal bags with a chamber vacuum sealer
You cannot use regular vacuum seal bags with a chamber vacuum sealer. Chamber vacuum sealers require special bags that are made to withstand the vacuuming process. These bags can be found at most stores that sell canning supplies.
Is FoodSaver a chamber vacuum sealer?
No, FoodSaver is not a chamber vacuum sealer. It is a brand of vacuum sealer that uses bags. While chamber vacuum sealers are more expensive than vacuum sealers, they offer some advantages, such as the ability to vacuum seal larger items and liquids.
Can you use FoodSaver bags in a chamber vacuum?
Yes, you can use FoodSaver bags in a chamber vacuum sealer. FoodSaver is a brand of vacuum sealer that makes bags specifically for use with their machines. However, these bags can also be used in other brands of chamber vacuum sealers.